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Family News


It is official!!!

It is hard to believe that we moved here over thirteen years ago. The boys are grown men now! How did that happen?

Michael and Jovie's big day


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Motley Molly

We are very sad about the loss of our beloved friend and adopted daughter. She grew up with the boys and taught them how to love. We are forever grateful that she was in our family.

Dad's News!!

Mike is still working at Intel. He is celebrating the fact that all of the boys are grown and have left the nest. He has done an excellent job of maintaining his health. Most importantly, he keeps loving his crazy wife. He is truly the most thoughtful and loving husband on the planet.

Mom Matters

 I am extremely blessed. My family is gathering around me and praying for me. Most imporantly I am growing spiritually. God has been teaching me to have courage and to surrender to Him. I need to remember that there is nothing left to fear. Jesus has battled on my behalf and was/is victorious. It is finished.  No room for fear.

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